Deep Remix: “There Is No Such Thing As Killer Whales”


Rationale: All images used to create this piece: “There Is No Such Thing As Killer Whales” were downloaded from Flicker: Creative Commons, a nonprofit organization that enables the sharing and use of free images/tools. The free copyright licenses allow the public to use and share creative work.

2 thoughts on “Deep Remix: “There Is No Such Thing As Killer Whales”

  1. I think that the dream-like quality of the transparent layers is nice, especially communicating the forest. As far as combining material, opaque, objects in something open like a forest, it was done nicely but some objects look a little awkward with transparency i.e. the whale sign, path, and pool. The narrative quality is pretty strong in the sense that I can kind of get a feel for what events are happening. Some objects are awkwardly placed, but ultimately I think this is well done! It’s eerie, which is fitting.

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