60 Second Analysis


Art 119 Fall 2015 : Added Value compilation from carl diehl on Vimeo.

Password: 2015

From 44 seconds in to 1 minute and 44 seconds in, the overall tone and mood of the video compilation shifts entirely. At 44 seconds, the viewer sees just the single bright green ball, with a simple bell sound. It slowly and calmly shifts into a few more simple shapes that move slowly as they fade in and out. These formal elements of 2-D and time-based design give off a sense of relaxation and soothing sensation.


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Then at a minute and 14 seconds in, the tone shifts dramatically as the relaxing background music is abruptly cut off and that original green ball that we saw in the beginning begins to fall, shattering into many pieces. The sounds are quick and much louder than before, and the movements of the shapes are much quicker and swift. And finally towards the end of this short clip, we see the original green ball with a human like figure appearing from it, with even more startling sounds and added colors.

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Mccloud’s theory of “amplification through simplification” applies to this sort of audio-visual because this entire process began with simple shapes and each individual amplified these shapes in their own ways. Although each clip may be simple to some, its beauty amplifies when complied altogether as one.

Color Blob Final.

Thanks to http://www.freesound.org/ and their Creative Commons licensed under the Attribution Noncommercial License, I was able to use this sound called, “looped rock guitar” from user: oymaldonado.

At first this project assignment really intimidated me. I had never worked with any form of animation before and I wasn’t really sure what to expect. But by being somewhat familiar with Illustrator from the App Icon project, I was ready to take on a new challenge. Through endless hours of simple adjustments between art boards, eventually the outcome was really cool. That’s what I found really awesome about this project, you aren’t really sure how it’s going to turn out until after you export the file. It was like a really awesome surprise at the end. I found inspiration for this project through the provided case studies of course, but also from a favorite band of mine, the Arctic Monkeys. Some of their lyrical videos have somewhat of a similar style with the dark backgrounds and simple shapes, so I thought it was a good idea to include guitar noise for my added sound. I achieved this short animation clip by pretty much just playing around with the eraser tool and the opacity tool. Fading in and out, as pieces get eaten away. I’m really pleased with the outcome and I can’t wait to see what the compilation of all short clips look like together as one.

App Icon: Final – Teeth Relief

The Tooth Fairy has a lot to deal with when it comes to picking up children’s teeth and leaving them money under their pillows. But with the Teeth Relief App, she’ll be able to check her phone to see the forecast of teeth fall for the night. The app simply allows her to see how many teeth have fallen out that day. This app also allows her to easily check on her tooth fairy money account balance. Put the relief back in teeth.Teeth Relief 6


Imaginary App Description: Teeth Relief

The Tooth Fairy has a lot on her hands when it comes to picking up children’s teeth and leaving money under their pillows. But with the Teeth Relief App, she’ll be able to stay up to date with the forecast of how heavy teeth fall is for the night. The app allows her to see how many teeth have fallen out that day. She can also check on her tooth money account balance. Put the relief back in teeth.